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BIRD : Biological Integration and Retrieval Data est développé par Hoan Nguyen

What is BIRD System

BIRD is designed to manage collections of biological data. A generic configurable data model has been designed and allows the simultaneous integration of genomics, transcriptomics and ontology datasets using a limited number of product mapping rules provided by the user (operator or system administrator). The integration rules allow the easy creation of the database according to semantic topics and real requirements. BIRD is driven with a high level query engine, based on SQL and a full text engine allowing the biologist to quickly extract knowledge without programming. Thanks to such an engine, the system is capable to generate the sub-bank of data in accordance with the real requirement. The hosted data can be accessed by the community using various methods such as a Web interface, Http Service, an API Java or a BIRD-QL Engine Query (via HTTP service or API Java).

BIRD is developed with the Java technology. BIRD uses IBM DB2 to store the data and data analysis. The web application is hosted by a Tomcat Server or by a WebSphere Application Server.

web: Decrypthon

BIRD Miner


Macsim utilise BIRD

Macsim peut se mettre maintenant en connexion directe avec Bird

Gscope utilise BIRD

Gscope peut se mettre maintenant en connexion directe avec Bird

  • proc BirdFromQueryText {Texte {OutFile ""} {BirdUrl ""}}
  • proc BirdFromQueryFile {Fichier {OutFile ""} {BirdUrl ""}}

Bird sait intégrer les fiches infos d'un projet Gscope. On peut alors les interroger directement par http ou par Gscope ou, mieux, par des affiches avec la commande BirdGscopeSearch

 La suite est obsolète La suite est obsolète La suite est obsolète La suite est obsolète  
 Il se peut qu'il faille encore faire setbird avant de lancer gscope
 La suite est à confirmer par un bon vieux oue
 * les procédures qui font appel au web service :
 ** proc BirdGetFields {NM field1,field2}   rend field1=fff  field2=zzz
 ** proc BirdGet {NM field}                 rend simplement la valeur du champ
 * proc Bird {Query {Format ""} {Out ""}}   en exec sur nos machines qui ont Java
 ** [exec bird_explorer_ucsc $FichierQuery $OutFile format=$Format display=yes]
 * proc BirdSendQueryAndGetFromUrl {Query {Url ""} {Options ""}}
 ** ::http::geturl http://star4:8080/mybiodb/bsearch -query $QueryEncode $Option
 * proc BirdSendQueryUrlAndGetFromUrl {QueryUrl {Url ""} {Options ""}}
 ** ::http::geturl ::http::geturl http://star4:8080/mybiodb/bsearch -query $QueryUrlEncode $Option
 * proc BirdPostFileAndGetFromUrl {Filename {Url ""} {Options ""}}
 ** ::http::geturl ::http::geturl http://star4:8080/mybiodb/bsearch -query $PostEncode