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VaRank Announcement Mailing List

You can subscribe to the VaRank Announcement Mailing List if you want to be notified by email whenever a new release of VaRank becomes available.

To subscribe, send an email to veronique.geoffroy@inserm.fr with the subject line "VaRank SUBSCRIBE". Please, give your full name, your institution/organization and your country in the body (This is optional). You'll get an email back right away confirming that you've been subscribed to the VaRank Announcement Mailing List.
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The list is for announcements only -- you cannot post to it.

VaRank News

Jun 04, 2021: VaRank version 2.0 is posted
- refactor: Use of a SQLite database to improve the running time

Apr 29, 2021: VaRank version 1.5.2 is posted
- feat: Add the genome build in the outputfile names

Apr 26, 2021: VaRank version 1.5.1 is posted.
- feat: The phenotype-driven analysis is now done by using the configfile
- doc: Update of the Tests directory.
- refactor: Refactoring the code for the writing of unnanotated variants
- feat: Display the hostname information
- feat: Add bugfix for MES processing

Feb 02, 2021: VaRank version 1.5 is posted.
- Include phenotype-driven annotations based on Exomiser (Smedley et al., 2015) and HPO (Kohler et al., 2019)
>> The "hpo" option can be used jointly with the "SamOut" option. This allows annotations to be added to samples sharing the same phenotype
>> The download of Exomiser annotations is automatic (not distributed with the sources)
- For a variant annotated on several transcripts from a same gene, only a single transcript from all transcripts available for this gene is reported in the following order of preference:
>> The transcript with the best VaRank score
>> The transcript with the longest CDS
>> The transcript with the longest transcript
- Add 22 novel gene-based annotations (ACMG gene list, HI, pLI, LOEUF, OMIM...) in the ExtAnn directory (detailed in the "Annotation columns available in the output files" section in the README.
- Add bugfix for handling lines with only a tabulation and no data in the configfile
- Improve the path displayed for the uniprot and refseq options
- Removing of HGMD columns annotations (due to the termination of HGMD annotation with the Alamut Batch version 1.10)

Aug 30, 2018: VaRank version 1.4.3 is posted.
Fixed Issues/changes:
- VaRank installation directory contains an ExtAnn directory that is now used by default to list all the additional files provided there
- Several new annotations have been added (gene intolerance to a loss of function variation, haploinsufficiency...)
- Only the first annotated gene of each variant will be annotated with external annotations
- For a variant annotated on several transcripts of a same gene, keep (i) the transcript annotation with the best score or (ii) with an equal score the longest transcript annotation

Jun 5, 2018: VaRank version 1.4.2 is posted.
Fixed Issues/changes:
- Add bugfix concerning Alamut annotation

Jun 1, 2018: VaRank version 1.4.1 is posted.
Fixed Issues/changes:
- Add bugfix concerning NNS annotation with Alamut (previous Alamut annotations need to be removed before to run a VaRank analysis again)

Apr 17, 2018: VaRank version 1.4 is posted.
Fixed Issues/changes:
- In order to add more flexibility to the output files, the user can now select the annotation columns and their order using the configfile
- Warning: several output column names have changed. Please check in the README file
- Several new annotations have been added (gnomAD, Align GVGD, gene inheritance mode...)
- Due to a high false positive calls observed for indels in the EVS dataset, the EVS annotations have been removed from the output and automatic filtering
- Support Alamut-batch version 1.6 to 1.9 (January 2018)
- Support SnpEff version 4.2 to 4.3 (build 2017-11-24) (Requires Java 1.8)
- Add bugfix: in some cases, a variation could be annotated using the non optimal isoform or gene (i.e. a variation localized either downstream of gene1 or in an intron of gene2 is now annotated preferentially to the intron of gene2)
- Variation with a depth of coverage equal to 0 are now annotated and reported in the output files
- Add bugfix: a variation associated with 2 genes and annotated with a pathogenic effect from ClinVar can not lead to the report of the non optimal gene anymore

Aug 04, 2016: VaRank version 1.3.5 is posted.
Fixed issues/changes:
- Support version 1.5.2 (July 2016) of Alamut-batch including novel local splice effect scores and branch point analysis
- Variants causing a premature stop codon in the coding sequence are now reported as "stop gain" in the codingEffect output field instead of "nonsense" which is now deprecated
- Change in ExAC annotations: homozygous frequencies are now replaced by the homozygous count
- Add of the --outputDataVersions when running Alamut-batch (reporting of databases names and corresponding versions)
- Add of the "-vcfFields" option. Allows to selectively report fields from the INFO column to the output files.
- Add of the "-SamOut" option. Write output files only for selected samples (not for all samples of all VCF input files).
- Enhance Alamut Batch error messages
- Add bugfix concerning external annotations (when containing "{}" characters)
- Add bugfix concerning detection of the number of read for the variant from the vcf file (with NR, AD, AC, AO and DV fields)

Mar 01, 2016: VaRank version 1.3.4 is posted.
- Add bugfix concerning scoring variations in ClinVar with "conflicting status"

Jan 18, 2016: VaRank version 1.3.3 is posted.
- Add bugfix concerning the vcfdir names containing "vcf"

Dec 18, 2015: VaRank version 1.3.2 is posted.
- Add bugfix for the specific treatment of allele count to compensate bad behavior from Torrent Suite VCF files

Dec 15, 2015: VaRank version 1.3.1 is posted.
- Add of the "AlamutProcesses" option (available only with the "standalone" Alamut version)
- Add of the "AlamutAlltrans" option (available only with the Alamut Batch annotation)
- Add bugfix concerning scoring of the "stop loss" and "start loss" variants.

Nov 20, 2015: VaRank version 1.3 is posted.
- Compatibility with the version 4.2 of the VCF format. Reporting in the VaRank outputs of the "*" alleles (upstream deletion)
- Scoring scheme improvement: new category for splice site creation and score adjustment for some categories (available only with Alamut Batch annotation)
- Creation of a new output file (VaRankIDlinkedToVCF.txt), giving for each VaRankID a correspondence between the genome position and the VCF positions (can be different for indels)
- Add of the "SpSiAnnotation" column
- Add of the "-SamVa" option. A new column (SamVa) available to display samples and zigosity status different from the reference sequence within the barcode (up to 10 different samples)
- Add bugfix concerning scoring of the dbSNP pathogenic variants
- Add bugfix for some rare situation in the VCF in which the multiple alternate variants would be skipped and not counted in the barcode
- New method to filter out benign annotated variants in dbSNP
- Compatible with Alamut Batch 1.4.2 (Jul. 2015)
- Compatible with SnpEff V4.1 L (2015-10-03)
- Update of the statistics treatment
- Add bugfix for SnpEff annotations

Jul 24, 2015: VaRank version 1.2.5 is posted.
- Add bugfix concerning interpretation of some specific VCF positions

Jun 16, 2015: VaRank version 1.2.4 is posted.
- Rename "DB" option in "pph2DB". "pph2DB" option can now be correctly set by user.
- Change mode of PPH2 lock files (avoid bug in case of different users)"
- Add bugfix concerning shift in the number of columns when a local installation of PPH2 is used
- Add bugfix concerning metrics on allele frequency
- Add bugfix concerning treatment of the external annotations (with some specific extann files)

Fev 26, 2015: VaRank version 1.2.3 is posted.
- Support version 1.4.0 (Fev. 2015) of Alamut-batch (adds annotations from ClinVar and ExAC)
- Support version 4.1b of SnpEff
- Addition of the "Allele frequency" annotation (allele frequency in all samples analyzed together)
- Addition of ExAC annotations and filtering with the Alamut-batch annotation engine
- Addition of ClinVar annotations with the Alamut-batch annotation engine
- Modification in the use of the dbSNP MAF for filtering
- Add bugfix concerning interpretation of some specific VCF positions

Fev 02, 2015: VaRank version 1.2.2 is posted.
- Speed improvment of SnpEff annotation
- Adds bugfix concerning SnpEff annotation
- New treatment of the external annotations (in case of one variant that could be attributed to several genes, all genes are annotated)

Jan 30, 2015: Creation of the VaRank Announcement Mailing List
- There now is a VaRank Announcement Mailing List that you can subscribe to if you want to be notified by email whenever a new release of VaRank becomes available.

Jan 27, 2015: VaRank version 1.2.1 is posted.
- Adds bugfix concerning SnpEff annotation

Jan 20, 2015: VaRank version 1.2 is posted.
- New annotation engine: support of SnpEff in addition to Alamut-batch.
- Addition of 1000g annotations and filtering
- Scoring scheme fully configurable by the user
- Tutorial V1.0

Nov 28, 2014: VaRank version 1.1.1 is posted.
- Extended support of gzip files to the external annotation input file.
- Default adjustment score set to 5 (before was 10) for the PolyPhen-2 and SIFT prediction. The score can now also be modified by the user (with B_phastCons, B_SIFT and B_PPH2 options)
- Addition of error messages to improve support (incorrect input file, Alamut not accepted Alamut-batch License, not supported version of Alamut-batch, ...)
- Adds a bugfix concerning pph2 analyses

Nov 25, 2014: New VaRank web site configuration.

Nov 7, 2014: VaRank version 1.1 is posted.
- Supports version 1.3.0 (Oct. 2014) of Alamut-batch (using new clinical significance terms from ClinVar)
- Supports gzip VCF files in input
- Offers 3 new annotations columns in the output files:
   - Avg_TotalDepth: Total read depth average at the variant position for all samples analyzed that have the variation
   - SD_TotalDepth: Standard deviation associated with Avg_TotalDepth
   - Count_TotalDepth: Number of samples considered for the average total read depth
- Adds a minor bugfix concerning pph2 analyses
- Updated VariantID nomenclature for large indels

If you have any problem or question, please, feel free to contact us at jeanmuller@unistra.fr or veronique.geoffroy@inserm.fr